AI, Metaverses, virtual reality & virtual tour

Virteem brings companies closer to their customers and collaborators by creating virtual spaces that allow them to better communicate, interact and train.

Virtual tour
et Salon virtuel

Create customized virtual experiences to bring you closer to your remote customers, employees or suppliers.


Recreate real-life situations to improve your employees' training and information retention.


Bring your prospects and collaborators into a light or heavy metavers, adapted to your needs, without the need for a VR headset.

image IA

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

A fast, easy-to-use generative AI that answers all your questions based on your internal documents.

Learn more

Our business


Our virtual reality company offers you a range of solutions for virtual tours, virtual fairs, virtual reality and metavers.

Human ressources

- Onboarding de nouveaux collaborateurs
- Recrutement
- Formation


- Visite virtuelle de site
- Document unique (DUERP)
- Showroom virtuel
- Accueil sécurité immersif
- Formation prévention des risques

Institutions & tourism

Développez l'attractivité de vos territoires au travers d'une visite virtuelle immersive.

École &

- JPO virtuelle
- Visite virtuelle de campus
- Classe virtuelle

Our processes in 4 steps


Reflection around your needs and creation of the appropriate virtual platform

Back office

Integration of a handling module to manage content independently

Server hosting

Hosting on secure servers in France with no user limit

Statistical follow-up

Data collection according to GDPR standards and analysis of statistics in real time

Need to succeed in your digital transformation? 

IA - Metaverse - Formation VR - Salon Virtuel - Visite virtuelle

20 721 990

page views

2 450 362



additional retention of information

At Virteem, our aim is not to revolutionize companies, but to help them design their digital gateway. To this end, our solutions are based on 360° photography and 3D, and act as a bridge between two worlds. The aim, by virtualizing a real environment, is to enhance immersion and information retention. 

Our customers are companies that want to succeed in their digital pivot with tools that combine virtual world and real world objects. It is at this level that our team intervenes to think and design recruitment or onboarding platforms in the metaverse, virtual fairs or virtual reality training modules. 

Each custom-designed platform is enriched with functionalities (information points, chat modules, integrated videos, etc.) to give the user a sense of involvement, so that he or she no longer has to endure the experience, but can actually make it happen.

We test the limits of creativity every day to meet demanding minds

vue - entreprise de réalité virtuelle
Industry 4.0

Louis Vuitton

Salon Top Marques - entreprise de réalité virtuelle
Virtual fairs

Top Marques

nord caraïbes - entreprise de réalité virtuelle
Tourism & Communities

Nord Caraïbes

Cases studies

salon virtuel Cora

How did Cora bring together more than 850 remote suppliers and buyers to make their purchase offers?

formation réalité virtuelle_Novo Nordisk

How Novo Nordisk increased IT security assessment pass rates with gamified training?

visite virtuelle Crédit Agricole

How did Virteem increase the number of applicants in the recruitment process for Crédit Agricole Île de France employees ?

visite virtuelle CY

How did CY Cergy Paris University experience a 24% increase in attendance thanks to the Virtual Open days?

Our references

Are you interested ? We keep in touch?

Contact us for a demo adapted to your needs.